Hi all,
First, congratulations to everyone that ran the Bridger Ridge Run this week end, thanks to all those that came out to help, and thanks to all those that came out on course to support the runners. What a great community event!
This week’s run will be our second dog run at Bear Canyon. We will meet Wednesday at 6:30 for a 1, 3, and 5, mile option. To get there, you can either take the interstate or the Bozeman Trail Road out to Mt Ellis Academy, by the KOA Campground 5 miles east of Bozeman. Then turn south on Bear Canyon road. The road will continue for 3.5 miles to the parking area.
The next big event for us is the John Colter Run on September 17th. This run is approximately 7 miles of mostly trails and two great water crossings, We will have live music, great prizes, good food, and lots of fun. We still have about 100 open spots, so be sure to get signed up! We will also need some volunteers and you can talk to me or Kurt Buchl to help us out.
I had a pretty good Ridge Run this week end going in to it with a bit of a bum knee, but felt good at Bridger so I went on. It was nice over Saddle Peak with cloud cover and a cool breeze. Thanks to every one that came out to support us, both on race day as well as before with all of the preparations. See you on Wednesday. My photo is one I took earlier this month on top of Sacajawea Peak looking at the Ridge course.